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Burnout Band

Everything in Burnout is geared towards playing together. Learning how to count in, sticking together as a group and communicating together in real time. This is where the youngest musicians go to perform for the first time with no experience necessary! They build on the skills learned in their private lessons and share it with the world. This is where they get a chance to exercise LOVED. VALUED. CARED FOR. 


 Once they graduate, they move on to Overdrive. 

Weekly Private Lesson 

Weekly Band Rehearsal 

This band is on its way to launching in 2024. 



Overdrive is our oldest band. This band has been running since 2020 when FMG first launched. This is where rubber meets the road. You are introduced to Click Track, In Ear Monitors, Tear Down, Set Up, Effects and Recording. 

Using all the skills learned in private lessons. You chart songs, work on dynamics, build a setlist, roadmaps  and perform live shows. 

Overdrive is the first stop after Burnout and is full of potential for every student who crosses that threshold. 

Once you begin showing leadership potential in Overdrive you are given opportunities to grow that skill and graduate into Performance Program

Leadership potential is benched marked by the students ability to make those around them feel safe and cared for. The values of LOVED. VALUED. CARED FOR. Are evident parts of how they show up to this group. 

Weekly Private Lesson 

Weekly Band Rehearsal 



Once you graduate to Performance. You have proficiency at your instrument at a specific level. You can read charts, you can create charts, you can create roadmaps and lift others up before yourself. 

You are proficient at chord progressions, scales and your ears are trained to really listen. 

This group is where many hobby musicians stay. They get pretty good and enjoy the instrument the rest of their life. It is also where LOVED. VALUED. CARED FOR. Is witnessed by many. Mainly due to all of the extra opportunities they get. 

The skill required to play in this group is found only in those that create with their instrument not just reproduce. Those that have took every opportunity for growth in the previous groups. 

Our Performance students enjoy live shows, special edition swag and opportunities for outings outside of FMG. 

From here you are free to audition for house Band once a year.

Weekly Private Lesson 

Weekly Band Rehearsal 


House Band 

House Band is audition only. The students who go to house band are serious players who have shown dedication to their craft and a commitment to growing leadership skills inside of their community and sphere of influence. 

We try very hard to keep the main thing the main thing and that is making sure every student is a healthy human. That means your instrumentation doesn't shine brighter than your character. LOVED. VALUED. CARED FOR. is a trait that is evident in these students because they are beacon of what we exist to communicate to the world. That everybody deserves to be just that. 

These band members will get the ability to gig regularly at events all year long and special access to workshops, outings and resources just for them. 

Weekly Private Lesson 

Weekly Band Rehearsal 


Adult Band

Adult Band is everything you wanted when you first picked up an instrument.


The ability to take on a new identity from your day to day and hit the stage with good friends and make people smile. 

We do our best to curate an adult experience through matching adult students with similar skill sets to form a legit band that will do shows alongside our other bands as well as on their own. 

Adult students take what they learn in private lessons and put those skills right to work in a weekly rehearsal in prep for live shows. 

All Skill Levels welcome.




Working Artist

We have a ton of amazing artists that are friends of FMG. Many of which partner with us on events, shows and projects. We love local music artists and do our very best to serve them. 

Through our Working Artist program you will develop the skills to level up your artistry in the recording studio and on stage. We offer a comprehensive look at what it looks like to win as soloprenuer in the music industry.


It is hard. It is and it is changing daily. That's what we are here for. To help you win. Your most valuable asset is you. 

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